System Information

........... The system  is a multi repeater, multi-function system. The repeater simulcast full time on 145.150-, 146.940- and 147.195+. The 145.150 repeater is at South Lake Tahoe which covers the Tahoe Basin and can be worked from base stations in Truckee, Reno and Carson Valley. The 146.940 repeater is located above Chico and covers Redding to the north and the Sutter Buttes to the south.  The 147.195 repeater is a multi-site system located in the Sacramento Valley. The main hub of the system is located in North Sacramento. It has six voting receivers in and around the Sacramento Valley and Sierra Foothills. The 147.195 transmitter located on Mt. Vaca.


......... There is a voting receiver system which gives the repeater extremely good sensitivity. Receiver selection is automatically handled by the voter at speeds undetected by the casual listener. No one has anyway of knowing which receiver may be selected at any one moment, the selected receiver may change many times a second during a transmission. Each receiver has a dedicated audio down link channel.


.......  The system also has a digital voice recorder for announcements and a uplink receiver  for audio feeds. It has remote base capability on three bands which can be used to link the repeater on command. The two meter remote is used on Monday evenings to link to K6IS 145.190 for the SARCR net at 7 PM. The system is not normally linked. The repeaters are completely backed up by emergency power and also has an auxiliary transmitter.


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